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发表日期: 2014-7-18 17:17:38      浏览:1164次

First, the company authority to make decisions or decisions: reduction of registered capital, a limited liability company, subject to shareholder resolution on behalf of 2/3 or more of the voting rights through; in state-owned companies, must be decided by the state-owned assets supervision and administration, which is important capital reduction of state-owned companies, after an audit by the state-owned assets supervision and administration institution, approved by the people's government at the same level. In the Corporation, subject to shareholder resolution on behalf of over 2/3 of the voting rights through.

Second, the preparation of lists: When you reduce the resolution of the registered capital of the company, the board must prepare a balance sheet and an inventory of property.

Third, notice and notice: It should be noted that this matter will increase the registered capital of the company and announcements creditors without notice, but the company reduce its registered capital shall be from the date of the resolution to reduce its registered capital within 10 days of notification of known creditors and announcements in the newspaper within 30 days. Creditor within 30 days after receipt of the notice, the notice from the date of the first announcement of the first 45 days, the right to require the company to repay its debts or provide corresponding guarantees not received.

Fourth, change registration: when the company reduce its registered capital, the company registered capital of the original articles of change, the original company registration authority shall register the change. When false registration of the registered capital, ordered to make corrections and impose a false registered capital of more than 15% of the amount of 5% or less fine. Corporation to reduce its registered capital by way of acquisition of shares of the Company, such shares must be canceled within 10 days, and in accordance with the laws and administrative regulations for registration of changes and announcements.





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