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发表日期: 2014-6-24 16:13:56      浏览:1880次

Issued shares, the implementation of a fair and impartial manner, with each share class shall have the same rights. The same issue of the same class of shares, the issue price per share should be the same condition; shares subscribed by any entity or individual, and should pay the same price per share.
Promoters offer shares to the public, shall be underwritten by a lawfully established securities companies underwriting agreement. It should also be signed with the bank and collect monies agreement, the bank is responsible for the collection of monies saved monies to pay monies to issue receipts to subscribers, and an obligation to prove to the authorities issued receivable.
Shares may be issued at par and the amount of, or above par value, but not less than the par value. 
Registered shares issued by the Company shall prepare a register of shareholders, the following: Shareholder's name or the name and domicile; the number of shares held by each shareholder; later, Ltd. was established, namely dulydelivered stock. Shall deliver stock to the shareholders before the company was founded.
Stock signed by the legal representative of the seal of the company. Stock promoters, the promoters shall be marked with the words stock.  
Shares issued by the Company, may be registered shares or unregistered shares. Issued to the promoters of the company, legal person shares shall be registered shares and shall record the sponsors,corporate name or name not under a different name or in the name registered.   
Shares in paper form or other forms of securities regulatory authority under the State Council's. Stock shall contain the following major items: company name; company was founded on; number of shares Class of shares, the par value and representatives; stock number.  
After the monies paid shares issued, it must be verified and certified by the verification agency established by law. Promoters shall: ten days the company hosted the inaugural meeting. Inaugural meeting composed of the subscribers. After the share issue than the deadline specified in the prospectus are not fully subscribed, paid or fully paid issued shares, the promoters are not held within thirty days of the inaugural meeting of the subscribers may monies paid plus line count the same period interest on deposits, demand return.  
Promoters shall convene the inaugural meeting 15 days before the date of the meeting notice to all subscribers or public announcement, the creation of the General Assembly on behalf of half of the shares should be attended subscribers only be held.




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